hidden vale

We make the games we want to play

We focus on uplifting stories, inspired by our beloved Provence, our experience of queerness, and our speculative daydreams.

We prioritize the use of Free and Open-source tools, such as Godot and Krita.

HIDDEN VALE's vision is one of colourful, hopeful, anti-capitalistic, community-oriented games with immersive, think-y gameplay. We want to open doors to worlds where everyone's needs can be met and a happier future can be foretold.

Featured release

As the resident alchemist of the local adventurer's guild, you are tasked with discovering the secrets of long-abandoned Fadunn Manor. Transform essence with the help of your extraordinary alembics, to match and unlock the seals!

FADUNN is a puzzle game inspired by SOLAS128 and shapez. It is currently in active development. Our next step will be to release a demo of the "puzzle mode".

Our hope is that the final, released version will also include a "story mode" and a level/campaign editor.

Even though the game already looks very different, we are still very proud of the work we did on this prototype. Check it out!

Our news

Hulda the goblin, beaming.

Our website is live!

Welcome, everyone, to our brand new website!

It's still very much under construction, but it's really nice to finally have a place on the internet to call our own.

last update: 17/02/2025